Category: Acceptance

15 January, 2015

A few years ago, I submitted an article to a large online magazine. I was friends with one of the…..

09 January, 2015

My daughter came home the other day complaining that a classmate had refused to lend her a charger for her…..

29 May, 2014

The other night my friend and I went to see a show. It was very crowded in the theater so…..

18 April, 2014

Although I rarely practice law anymore, these past months I’ve been trying to help my cousin purchase his family’s dream…..

05 February, 2014

“A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears.   Michel de Montaigne I stayed up late one…..

10 January, 2014

During the holiday break, I had the opportunity to see Linda, a friend who grew up next door to me…..

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