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Does How We Look Make Us More or Less Lovable?

Love yourself concept. Smiling woman, holding, hugging herself

I was at a party a few weeks ago and a forty-year-old woman was talking to me about how she was trying to get back to her twenty-year-old body with a new exercise plan.  As if it were the most obvious thing in the world, she stated, “I am just not happy with my body anymore.” The minute I heard her say this, I immediate felt compassion.  I’m in my forties myself, and I definitely understood this woman’s longing for her twenty-something figure, but I also understood the level of suffering she was inflicting on herself.  I learned a long time ago that there are thoughts that take us right to pain and misery and “I’m not happy with my body” is one of them.

The mystery of when some of us begin rejecting our physical appearance is a complicated one. It might begin in childhood, or with the onslaught of images of men or women from advertising campaigns or the experience of noticing ourselves or others getting more or less attention because of appearances. For a while, we can manage the ‘need to look good,’ but as we age the gap between these images of how we “should” look and how we actually do look can grow wider. The aging of our bodies brings to the surface one of our biggest internal struggles – that we must be a certain way to be loved.  If we choose to reject our bodies, it initiates an unending inner dialogue that we are never good enough, pretty enough, or just enough in general.  It creates a fear that we are not lovable ‘as is’, and means never having the courage to wear that new bathing suit or pair of shorts,” never accepting our aging bodies in fear we will be ridiculed simply for showing up as we are in that moment.

I realized a long time ago that if a thought was creating suffering in my life, I really needed to examine that thought.  The thought that our bodies must look a certain way as we age is one of those thoughts.  The only peaceful thought any of us can have is that we love our bodies “as is” in this moment. Does this mean that we won’t exercise or use facial creams? Of course not.  Does it mean that one day some of us won’t get face work? I have no idea.  But what I do know is that embracing our bodies in this moment allows us to walk through life in a state of acceptance. We can show up as us, not giving our power away to other people’s thoughts of how someone at a certain age should look.  If we refuse to reject our physical appearance, we can do our best to love our bodies, the vehicle that allows us to be here each day and function in this world.  We all have too much to do to sit around thinking that our bodies are not okay when in reality our bodies allow us to experience great joy in our lives.

Even though many of us are aware of how horrible rejecting our bodies makes us feel, the road map to love and acceptance is not always so easy. Here are some tools that my clients and I have utilized to help honor our bodies and paths in life. I hope it is helpful with your journey of self-love and acceptance of your body and you can find greater ease and joy in every day living.

Isn’t suffering less and accepting ourselves the ultimate in self improvement? MAYBE we are perfect just the way we are.  Now that’s a thought that feels good no matter what our age!



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