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How Can You Stop Worrying?

Before I adopted the practice of Maybe, I used to get immediately stuck whenever something happened that I had not predicted or expected.  I wasted so many hours, days and nights thinking and worrying about how things might work out negatively that I was oblivious to the present before me. I missed the joy of family occasions, the joy of accomplishment, and even the simple sunrise in the morning. No matter what I did my mind would just not stop assuming  the worst was on its way.

In an attempt to alleviate my thoughts of stress and worry, I decided to learn to meditate. I went to the Deepak Chopra Center in California to learn transcendental meditation and as I sat in a beautiful meditation room I began to feel like I was going to pass out. The more I tried to breathe and follow my breath or my mantra the farther my mind wandered and the more negative possibilities took shape. My thoughts ran something like: How am I going to afford a new home? What if my parents die? Will my husband lose his job? Will I win the motion I filed with the court before I left town? What will happen if the meditation teacher doesn’t like me?  I actually got dizzy sitting there and had to open my eyes repeatedly to clear the chaos from my mind. My mind was racing around like a car in high gear, and both my feet were strapped to the gas pedal.

My inability to keep my mind centered is not a knock against meditation. Meditating is an amazing tool both for remaining in the present and for attaining peace of mind. However, at that point in my life, I was not able to stop my mind from worrying no matter what I did.

It was only the philosophy of Maybe that saved me. Accessing Maybe allowed my mind to sit in neutral without the fear, stress or worry. It lifted the burden of what I feared because I realized Maybe my fears might never come to fruition, and in that moment I found that I had space for other prospects. My mind finally went quiet because the story of everything bad that could happen just stopped as I sat in the Maybe of all possibilities. I could feel the joy of not knowing and I was able to be still in a moment of peace and enjoy the space in front of me.

So today, whether you are facing a tough problem at work, a challenge with a family member or just feeling overwhelmed, try to remember this idea of Maybe.  We truly do not know what tomorrow will bring,  but within that uncertainty is the possibility that Maybe our lives can improve, we can accomplish our goals or improve our relationships. Maybe can become a constant in our lives always reminding us that there is hope that whatever we are experiencing today it will change and may be get better.

Let Maybe ease your mind so you can enjoy the moment!

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