Why We Get Stuck

We get stuck in life because an unexpected event makes us believe that what we have worked so hard for is no longer possible or what we want for our lives can no longer be attained.  But often what has really happened is that life is not fitting into our plan, or our story.

Ironically, we write the story of how life should go to protect us from feeling groundless in our everyday lives.  In order to alleviate fears of uncertainty, we examine and solidify these stories every day, creating expectations that the events of our lives will happen exactly as we anticipate. These stories become so real in our minds that when our life experiences do not match them, we feel devastated and confused.  But our stories often have nothing at all to do with our goals themselves.  Instead they are fixed and finite thoughts about how our goals should come to fruition. These stories are often mere illusions, and when they don’t happen, our goals usually remain intact – still there for us to achieve them in some other way, shape or form.

How often, for instance, do we believe that we need to get a particular job or promotion to be going in the right direction? Or that a stock must go up for us to be financially secure or that we need to land a particular client to further our careers?  How often have we yearned for a certain person to like us so we can be happy? Story after story we tell ourselves, reinforcing the belief that life must unfold in certain ways to guarantee our well-being and success.  Logically, most of us would agree that there are many ways to achieve a particular goal, but emotionally we fail to live with this knowledge in our daily lives.  When the emotional attachment to our stories defies logic, we fall into a trap. And stay there, and stay there.

The philosophy of Maybe is a simple and effective way to strip away our stories and achieve our goals.  The reason the philosophy of Maybe is so effective is because it continuously offers us more than the one possibility that is making us feel that we can’t move forward with our lives.  As we realize that Maybe there are other ways to achieve our goals, we begin to connect with all of the other possibilities that lie ahead of us. As we learn to sit with all these possibilities, our wisdom begins to guide us to the path of our greatest potential and fulfillment.

Just say Maybe and open your life to all that is possible!
