Latest Episodes

January 10, 2019 10:18 Min
Some of us believe that we don’t have the right to feel upset about things because we have good lives or many blessings. What we often fail to realize is that any suffering can overwhelm our minds regardless of how seemingly insignificant the source is. If we are willing to acknowledge the validity of how we feel—whether the root is big or small—we can create an opening for finding a new perspective and letting go of some or all of our pain...
December 27, 2018 10:53 Min
From our experiences, we know that the year to come will be filled with unexpected events.  How can we prepare ourselves to deal with uncertainty with more strength and resilience? Listen to this podcast to find a way to embrace the unknown, helping you to stay strong and resilient no matter what you face.  MAYBE how you show up for the future will open you up to new possibilities and opportunities for the year to come.  MAYBE THE BEST IS YET ...
December 17, 2018 10:28 Min
Some of us limit how much we are willing to give to other people based on our past and fears. It's important that we examine our feelings towards giving because it can be such a meaningful and fulfilling part of our lives. The act of giving opens our hearts, enriches our lives, connects us to other people and overall makes the world a better place. A world we feel comfortable leaving to our children.  This podcast will explore what holds us back...
December 10, 2018 10:01 Min
As the new year approaches, many of us are thinking about things that did not work out as planned or goals we did not achieve this past year. BUT NO NEED TO WORRY! You always have this moment, and in this moment, life always will offer you something new to experience. And the more you sit in the now, the more you will feel joy and satisfaction while allowing yourself to be guided towards a new year filled with hope and possibility.
November 28, 2018 10:00 Min
Sometimes the holiday season is not always filled with cheer. It can be a time when we have more disappointment and conflict with relatives and friends whether at a holiday celebration or special event. However, it is also a wonderful time to let go of past and present hurtful situations, so we can start the new year with a clean slate. MAYBE the best New Year’s Resolution is to see our relationships with fresh eyes in the year to come.
November 16, 2018 10:01 Min
A lot of people pride themselves on getting many things done at once, but what many people don’t realize is that when we are distracted and try to focus on multiple things, we often neglect the situation or the person in front of us, we don’t present them with our best selves, and we don’t get the best results. We also miss out on the most precious and productive part of our lives, which, in reality, is pure presence.  When we are fully pr...
November 5, 2018 10:09 Min
Have you ever looked in the mirror and started to feel horrible about how your body looked? We don’t always realize it, but many of us have been programmed to reject our bodies, spending our lives searching for an ideal of beauty. Yet, the definition of beauty in the dictionary is “that which gives pleasure to the mind or senses.” This means we get to determine our notion of beauty based on what gives us pleasure. If we focus more on what p...
October 31, 2018 10:06 Min
Those of us who have a tendency to be people-pleasers usually want the best for other people. However, the other, more well-known part of being a people-pleaser is the need for everyone to like us, which often leads to anxiety, worry, and ultimately self-compromise. When we can give up people-pleasing, we can start thinking about the pleasure of speaking our minds, the pleasure of achieving our goals, and the pleasure of taking control of our own...
October 22, 2018 10:11 Min
For some reason, many of us tend to take our anger, discomfort, and frustrations out on the people we love most. We may insist that it’s because we are most comfortable with our loved ones, but we forget that without tender care, even the best relationships become broken. This podcast will give us tools to treat each moment with our loved ones as sacred and always be reminded that love is the bridge to everything wonderful.

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