Latest Episodes

October 8, 2018 10:46 Min
If you were to look up the definition of ‘beauty’ in the dictionary, you would find that beauty is defined as “that which gives the highest degree of pleasure to the senses or the mind.” But are we truly cognizant of what actually gives us pleasure? Or have we been conditioned to be pleased by what the outside world considers beautiful? If our search for beauty is more about external standards of beauty and less about what truly pleases u...
September 24, 2018 10:01 Min
Sometimes we want to be mean to someone because they hurt us. We blame them for something bad that happened, or we want to teach them a lesson. Even though we might feel justified, acting this way tends to bring us further from where we want to be in our lives. This podcast will explore six questions that we can ask ourselves to guide our decision-making, pushing us towards greater joy and success.
September 14, 2018 10:11 Min
The society we live in routinely provides us with often fictitious images of what it means to be happy. These constructs—fed to us from birth—often attempt to answer the following three questions: What kind of relationships do I need in my life to be happy? What do I need to do to be successful? And who do I need to be in order to be happy and successful? Only we can answer these questions for ourselves truthfully, but these constructs are se...
September 4, 2018 10:23 Min
Many of us try to hide aspects of ourselves that we think will not be accepted by our friends, family or society. We believe that if we can hide these things, people will accept us, love us, and validate us. Yet, hiding certain aspects of ourselves is quite painful because, in hiding, we cover up who we truly are, limiting ourselves from living our best lives. I hope this podcast can help free any part of you that is hiding from the world so that...
August 8, 2018 10:20 Min
Many of us look for evidence to love ourselves in how other people see us or in experiences that should validate our worth.   But the minute there's a bump in the road—whether someone leaves us, we lose our job, or we are rejected or disappointed— if there is not another source for that love, we are going to find it hard to move forward. We must recognize that we are the love that we seek if we want to stand steady.  We are already every...
August 3, 2017 10:21 Min
Rejection can be very painful. Sometimes rejection makes us close our hearts and we start to believe that we can’t achieve our goals. This episode will discuss how we can have a different relationship with rejection. If we can find a way to nurture the pain, rejection can be a learning experience that leads us to an expansive place. We create a willingness to try new things and approach everything with less fear and more resilience. With a new ...
July 12, 2017 10:39 Min
Sometimes looking at our friends’ social media accounts can make us feel like we are watching an advertisement on television, making us believe if we had what that person had we would be happy and fulfilled. But often it is not what our friends are actually doing that is making us feel bad. Instead, our friends’ posts are just sparking a lack of direction or meaning in our own lives. If we take the time to figure out what is meaningful to us,...
May 19, 2017 10:02 Min
Always wanting more can prevent us from fully enjoying our lives today because we always think we have tomorrow. This "more" mentality can prevent us from bringing our best selves to this moment to create the lives that we actually want. This 10 minute podcast will show you how you can keep your goals and at the same time help you discover that today is "enough" in order to attain true joy, satisfaction and abundance.
May 17, 2017 10:29 Min
It is often hard to be a positive thinker when we are going through a tough time or something unexpected happens. This podcast will explore a mindset that will give you hope and strength during difficult times and support you to still achieve your goals.

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